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Project Management

Full Contractor & Vendor Oversight
Estimated Ten Week Project


- Site selection and lease negotiation 

- Personal on-site consultation, daily updates, weekly meetings, deliverable time schedule and budget

- Front of house focused on customer flow, walk up service, retail area, basic lighting and seating floor plan

- Back of house focused on service areas, ergonomics, workflow,  equipment placement and storage

- Contractor  bids and selection

- Daily on-site, contractor, sub-contractor, architectural and engineering management 

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop / 10 week turnkey program





Turn-Key Commercial

Full Design & Project Management

Estimated Twenty Five Week Project

- Site selection and lease negotiation 

- Personal on-site consultation, daily updates, weekly meetings, deliverable time schedule and budget

- Interior design sketches, scale drawings, floor plans and elevations

- Full conceptual kitchen and back of house layout with equipment and bar flow 

- Front of house focused on customer flow, walk up service, retail area, basic lighting, seating and floor plan

- Back of house focused on service areas, ergonomic workflow, equipment placement and storage  

- Detailed list of furniture, colors, finishes and lighting suggestions with list of proposed items and budget

- Detailed kitchen floor plan and cabinet elevation drawings, plumbing, electrical placements, all stub-outs and requirements

- Complete equipment, permanent fixture, filtration system drawings

- Full set of construction drawings ready for Architect to convert to working plans

- Contractor  bids and selection

- Daily on-site, project and contractor management

- Completed shop ready to open

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop / 20 week turnkey program



Kitchen, Equipment Layout & Interior Design


Estimated Six Week Project



- Conceptual sketches, scale drawings, floor plans, elevations for front and back of house

- Furniture, finishes and lighting suggestions

- Front of house focused on customer flow, walk up service, retail area, basic lighting and seating floor plan

- Back of house focused on service areas, ergonomic workflow,  equipment placement and storage  

- Floor plans include a list of sourced recommendations and estimated budget

- Detailed floor plan including cabinet elevation drawings, pluming, electrical placements, all stub-outs and electrical requirements

- Complete equipment, permanent fixture, electrical, plumbing and filtration system plans

- Drawings ready for your architect to convert to working plans

- Drawings will be provided in .PDF format for conversion to architectural, mechanical and working plans

- Service includes design, review, progress updates and face to face Skype meetings

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop





Kitchen & Equipment Layout


Estimated Four Week Project

- Full conceptual sketches of service area with detailed layout, equipment, bar flow and storage

- Focused on the service area, walk up service and lighting 

- Customer flow, walk up service, retail area, basic lighting, seating floor plans

- Ergonomics, workflow,  equipment placement and storage  

- Floor plan includes a list of items required and budget

- Detailed floor plan and cabinet elevation drawings, pluming, electrical placements, all stub-outs and electrical requirements

- Complete equipment, permanent fixture, electrical, plumbing and filtration system plans

- Drawings ready to convert to architectural, mechanical and working plans

- Drawings will be provided in .PDF format

- Service includes design, review, progress updates and weekly face to face Skype meetings

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop



Interior Design

Estimated Six Week Project

- Conceptual sketches, scale drawings, floor plans and elevations

- Furniture, finishes and lighting suggestions

- Full conceptual public area layout with equipment and bar flow

- Focus on customer flow, walk up service, retail area, basic lighting and seating floor plan

- Detailed list of sourced, suggested items and budget

- Drawings provided in .PDF format ready for architectural, mechanical and working plans

- Service includes design, review, progress updates and weekly face to face Skype meeting

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop





Existing Design Review

Estimated One Week Project

- Examination of your existing architectural or designers drawings

- Emphasis on proper placement of fixtures, equipment and ergonomics

- Recommendations on critical pluming and electrical placements, stub-outs and electrical requirements

- Examination of proper workflow. Maximizing sales while conserving labor 

- Service includes review, written recommendations, drawing suggestions and face to face Skype meetings

- * Based on 600 - 800sf shop





Personal Consultation

- Professional, honest and unbiased opinion

- Expert resource while setting up your new project or if you're planning on taking your business to the next level

- Consulting  available on-site, via Skype, over the phone or via email







Driving Hospitality Growth & Innovation 

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